Early Intervention Services

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BARC Developmental Services provides early intervention for infants & toddlers who are referred by the family’s local base service unit. The Early Intervention Department provides home and community- based support for children ages birth to three and their families within their natural environment.

The Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is guided by the priorities, dreams, and needs of each family. Family resources and strengths are key elements when considering both long and short-term visions for the child. Individualized services are provided within a flexible range of options to best fit the unique needs of family and child.

Services may include:

  • Speech Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Special Instruction
  • Special Instruction Vision
  • Special Instruction Hearing

Parents of a child qualifying for Infant/Toddlers Services may request BARC Developmental Services as their provider agency.

Our philosophy of Early Intervention evolves from a developmental model, intended to empower families to facilitate their child’s growth and development. Early Intervention services are best provided through a collaborative or team effort between family, community, and interventionists.

In Pennsylvania, we follow the Coaching Model to support families. Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI) is a model of Early Intervention that uses everyday activities and play that occur between caregivers and children as the context for embedding functional child outcomes for learning. The components of FGRBI offer a framework for interdisciplinary providers to use during home, classroom or tele-intervention visits to coach caregivers on using evidence-based strategies confidently within meaningful routines identified as important to the family.

We see the family as the leader of this team, which enables us to develop strategies that suit the individual styles, customs and routines of those whom we support. Early Intervention at BARC Developmental Services provides services to children with a wide range of special needs.

Contact our Early Intervention Department

for 25 years, noreen coleman, was an integral part of the early intervention department here at barc developmental services. serving as the department director since 2016, her focus has always bee (1)

Resource phone #s based on where you live – Base Service Units

Upper Bucks:
St. Luke’s University Health Care Network/Penn Foundation
(including Pennridge, Palisades, and Quakertown School Districts)
Referrals: 267-404-5069

Central Bucks:
Lenape Valley Foundation
(including New Hope/Solebury, Council Rock, Centennial, and Central Bucks School Districts)
Referrals: 267-893-5402

Lower Bucks:
(including Bensalem, Bristol Twp, Bristol Borough, Neshaminy, Morrisville & Pennsbury School Districts)
Referrals: 215-244-7910

If unsure of your Base Service unit please call the Bucks County Referral line at 215-444-2828


In Bucks County, Infant/Toddler Early Intervention for children birth to 3 years old is administered through the Bucks County Department of Behavioral Health/Developmental Programs.

Parent who have concerns for their child’s development may contact the CONNECT Helpline at 1-800-692-7288 or email help@connectpa.net

Networking among families is both supportive and informative. Positive relationships grow through shared experiences and words of encouragement that these alliances bring. BARC Early Intervention professionals support families in accessing available community resources and support.