We could not be more pleased with the care and support of the staff.
Quality Resources
The Quality Resources Department of BARC Developmental Services ensures that the organization is compliant with all Commonwealth regulations relative to incidents that occur within its three service departments (Early Intervention, Residential and Vocational Services).
The Quality Resources Department will undertake an investigation to determine the root cause of any incident involving abuse, neglect, a rights violation or misuse of a supported individual’s funds. Of particular importance is Quality Resources’ involvement in the development of corrective action steps in concert with management representatives of the affected service department upon completion of each investigation.
Each month, at the Advocacy/Human Rights/Quality Resources Committee meeting, the Quality Resources Department reports on incidents so that members of this committee can comment and provide recommendations to avoid re-occurrence. The Quality Resources Department will also provide an analysis of medication errors in the spirit of preventing future errors relative to treatments and medications.
If you have any questions or concerns related to the supports and treatment of a family member, please do not hesitate to call Erin Barth, Director of Quality Resources at (215) 794-0800 Ext 4376 or E-mail at erin.barth@barcprograms.net
Confidentiality & Privacy Practices
BARC Developmental Services is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of consumer Protected Health Information (PHI) maintained and obtained during operations related to our Human Service Programs. BARC Developmental Services will ensure the confidentiality of PHI in written, oral or electronic medium and will comply with federal and state confidentiality laws and regulations.
Transparency in Coverage
The Transparency in Coverage requires health plans and plan sponsors to make in-network and out-of-network machine-readable files available to the public effective July 1, 2022. The link below includes a Table of Contents (ToC) file unique to BARC Developmental Services, Inc. The Table of Contents file contains a series of links to both in network MRF files specific to our plan(s) and out-of-network MRFs specific to our organization. If you contract separately with health systems or medical vendors, then those rates will not be included within the files.
When you click on the link, what you’re seeing in your browser is the .JSON open-standard format which is being used to comply with CMS as an approved GitHub schema. It’s more legible when you open it in a .JSON reader, like Notepad or Notepad++ or when you download a Chrome extension, JSONVue.
Even though the link is required to be posted on a public site, the files are expected to be used by researchers, government entities and data aggregators to develop comparative data across health insurance issuers. The machine-readable files are not intended for use by members or customer non-technical business users.
To view the Transparency in Coverage Table of Contents for our new health coverage, please click the link to below. Select the box for Highmark Blue Shield Pennsylvania (right side) to begin the download.
My son can’t wait to get there; we love all the people who work. We appreciate the outstanding efforts made by the staff every day.
My son is always happy to go to BARC and is joyful!
My daughter is lovingly cared for by staff who are always helpful.
I absolutely love BARC, my job, my coworkers, and of course the individuals! I believe in the agency and its mission. BARC is the best agency I have ever had the privilege to work for.
I am very pleased with the program; staff are very professional and courteous. They are knowledgeable and answer all questions extremely well.